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2nd Lt. George A. Hofmann - 1917-1996

USAAF B-26 Bombardier - ExPOW

9th AF 397th Grp 596th Sq

George was born at home at 850 Columbus Avenue in New York City on September 28, 1917.  At that time his father, John, worked for the railroad and eventually became a chauffer.  His mother was busy at home raising three other children.  George had the pleasure of growing up in the big city during the roaring twenties.  Unfortunately, he also felt the pain of the stock market crash and the start of the Great Depression in 1927 when he was twelve.




follows their footsteps through the stresses of World War II -





from basic training, rank promotions, assignment to the Army Air Force Academy as cadets, following each other through Bombardier School, shipping out to overseas assignments.  It is an extraordinary story - but sadly it is not a happy one.  Three good friends went to war - only one returned - a beaten POW who carried the losses of his friends in his heart until the day he died in 1996.


With the United States not yet involved in the storm that was brewing in Europe and Asia, motivated in part by their patriotic spirit and youthful invincibility, but also to have some say over where they ended up, in January of 1941 cousin Gilbert Rauh and best friend Mike Iriate enlisted.  George who had registered with the draft on August 16, 1940 as required by law and was rated 1-A by April of 1941 followed in their footsteps, enlisting on May 15, 1941.

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